District Governor Gordon Owens

Gordon grew up visiting the Newport Beach Rotary CIub with his grandfather during visits to southern California. Tagging along while his grandfather delivered Meals on Wheels as one of his club's service projects left a lasting impression on Gordon.

When he started his own digital marketing agency, he sought out Rotary to get involved in the community. Early in 2011 he joined the Roswell Rotary Club and jumped right in. This large and active club was a perfect fit for Gordon's fun-loving personality.

Gordon is proud to say that he is a 3rd generation Rotarian as his father Bob, joined the Boulder Colorado Rotary Club a few years ago. One of his Rotary Moments was getting to exchange flags with his dad during a Roswell Club meeting.

Gordon's wife, Ashley, also grew up with Rotary, as her father, George Stewart is a Iong time member of the Rotary CIub of Dunwoody. She loves being a Rotary spouse as she and Gordon have made many Iife-Iong friends through Rotary. They even have 3 Rotary daughters from hosting GRSP and Rotary Youth Exchange students over the years.

For Gordon and Ashley Rotary is a family affair and they are honored to travel the state visiting clubs as Gordon serves as our District Governor for the 2024-2025 Rotary year.

Updated by Alec Smythe
September 6, 2024 1:10 pm